After the siege at the end of A Victory that Counts, while Liana is debriefed by Captain Nour, Spânu proceeds with his mission. Max’s help can either save or break Liana.
My Review:
This story continues the second novella of The Impaler Legacy Series.
Captain Nour doesn't hesitate to tell Liana after the big fight that he doesn't agree with the tough decisions she had to make to keep her troop safe, but our heroine is determined not to be intimidated by his lecture. She knows she must do everything she can to fulfill their mission before other lives are destroyed.
Max is again her adviser and together they try to find a new plan of action, to be one step ahead of their enemies. During the discussion, Spânu betrays them and kidnaps Jesse by helicopter. All Liana's hopes to succeed collapse and she is capable to sacrifice them all and the whole operation to save her boyfriend. Sensing the danger, Max has a solution and uses it to calm her down, even if it is a risk and also a method Little Council wouldn't agree nor understand.
You MUST read this story before you start the third part of the series, Order Restored, because it contains precious, vital information to understand the plot. I loved this one very much, despite the bad news I encountered about my favorite characters. This is the moment when the stakes are highest and every decision can make them win or lose the battle.
I was shocked and sad to find out that Spânu turned against them and Jesse's life was now at risk. It seems that Liana cannot rest for one second, because at her every turn comes another test to measure her strength. Can she overcome this one and save her love and the others?
5 out of 5 butterflies
Read the story for free HERE.
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