Se pare că luna aceasta este plină de lepșe gigantice, deoarece am primit foarte multe. Vreau să îi mulțumesc frumos lui Myuuki pentru cadou. Este foarte interesantă.
Acestea sunt "încercările" ce mă așteaptă pentru fiecare zi:
Day 01: Hand write your name forwards
Day 02: Hand write your name backwards
Day 03: Hand write your partners name
Day 04: Hand write your fantasy partners name
Day 05: Hand write your favorite quote
Day 06: Hand write the opening sentence of your favorite book
Day 07: Hand write the final sentence of your favorite book
Day 08: Hand write your favorite movie quote
Day 09: Hand write your favorite lyrics
Day 10: Hand write a poem to a loved one
Day 11: Hand write something you would normally type
Day 12: Hand write something in red pen
Day 13: Hand write something in green pen
Day 14: Hand write your grocery list as neatly as possible
Day 15: Hand write an envelope to someone you like
Day 16: Hand write a letter to someone you like
Day 17: Post that handwritten letter with the envelope to that person
Day 18: Hand write something that provides inspiration
Day 19: Hand write something that makes you laugh
Day 20: Hand write something that makes you sit back and think
Day 21: Hand write that you want to share with the world
Day 22: Hand write your name with your opposite hand
Day 23: Hand write something in a different language
Day 24: Hand write something you would like written on your gravestone
Day 25: Hand write something you want to do differently
Day 26: Hand write a personal regret
Day 27: Hand write a personal achievement
Day 28: Hand write your pet peeve
Day 29: Hand write something a friend does that really annoys you
Day 30: Hand write something a friend does that you love
Voi începe cu prima zi pentru a recupera de timpul pierdut în absența mea. Se apropie perioada restanțelor și mai am o grămăjoară considerabilă de caiete de învățat.
Day 01: Hand write your name forwards
Sper să se înțeleagă, chiar dacă poza nu este de o calitate foarte bună. Cred că o să recurg la scanner data viitoare.
2 fantasies:
Ce tare e provocarea asta! :)
interesanta leapsa asta,iti si uitasem scrisul:(
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