Hello everyone! I am so glad to be the one to share with you
the news about the author Lissa Bryan who has just published her second novel, The
End of All Things. After reading it as an advanced copy I was happy that I had
this possibility and also to participate in her blog tour. So before I start talking
about what I really loved about the book, I want to recommend it to all of you.
You won’t be disappointed!
Thank you Lissa for the opportunity! And don't go anywhere because I will come back with a great interview and a e-copy gift for one lucky contestant. Enjoy!
Synopsis (from Goodreads):
Warning! The description contains spoilers.
Warning! The description contains spoilers.
After a terrible virus
ravages the planet, Carly Daniels, one of the few survivors, hides in
her apartment in Juneau trying to survive the best she can with only
occasional forays to gather food. With her is Sam, a wolf puppy she
found starving on the streets. He becomes her companion and a reason to
continue when giving up sometimes seems like the more attractive option.
Still dazed with shock and grief, she hopes for the world to go back to
normal soon.
She is discovered by Justin, an ex-soldier who is intent on making his way to Florida before the winter sets in. Justin coaxes her out of her hiding place and convinces her to join him on his journey, because a warmer climate will be their best chance against the extremes of Mother Nature.
Together, they begin a perilous journey through a nation laid to waste by the disaster. Challenges abound along the way. The weather, injury, and shortage of supplies all help to slow them down. In time, they discover that they aren’t the only survivors. Some are friendly but some have had their minds destroyed by the high fever. Then there are those who simply take what they want, leaving Carly and Justin with no choice but to defend what is theirs.
But their journey is not without joy and love. Together, they face every struggle, including an unplanned pregnancy. Despite the perils of bringing a child into a world of chaos, their baby is a new beginning for themselves and a symbol of hope for the other survivors they find along the way.
This is the story of their journey to find a place to begin a new life, and a home in each other.
She is discovered by Justin, an ex-soldier who is intent on making his way to Florida before the winter sets in. Justin coaxes her out of her hiding place and convinces her to join him on his journey, because a warmer climate will be their best chance against the extremes of Mother Nature.
Together, they begin a perilous journey through a nation laid to waste by the disaster. Challenges abound along the way. The weather, injury, and shortage of supplies all help to slow them down. In time, they discover that they aren’t the only survivors. Some are friendly but some have had their minds destroyed by the high fever. Then there are those who simply take what they want, leaving Carly and Justin with no choice but to defend what is theirs.
But their journey is not without joy and love. Together, they face every struggle, including an unplanned pregnancy. Despite the perils of bringing a child into a world of chaos, their baby is a new beginning for themselves and a symbol of hope for the other survivors they find along the way.
This is the story of their journey to find a place to begin a new life, and a home in each other.
Bilingual Review
My rate/ Nota mea:

Carly Daniels is the last sane survivor in her town, Juneau, while the others are infected with a pandemic virus that killed even her parents a few days ago. She barely manages to live, but after she finds Sam, a wolf puppy that was wandering on his own, she is decided to try harder.
Then Carly meets Justin and at first she is scared like
hell, but afterwards she understands that maybe his goal is not to kill, but to
help her. He convinces her to leave home, because there will be no condition
for her to survive the winter.
The two of them engage themselves into a dangerous trip and
many obstacles come in their way. But they grow closer and not even bad people
or bad nature can break them apart. Will they succeed though?
This is my first novel about the end of the humankind and
the world, but I found it amazing. I couldn’t believe how people were
transformed into beasts overnight, how they could be so cruel and mean. But in
the contrary, I loved Justin for being so
protective and caring even in those hard times. He respected Carly since the
beginning and even more after he found out that Carly’s dad has been also a soldier in the Special Forces like himself.
Justin could see trough her and managed to convince her to
join him, even though they might not make it, because Carly wasn’t familiarized
with any surviving skills. Their relationship starts slowly because they both have a
bad opinion about themselves and they believe they are not worthy of love,
but they complete each other so well and they will survive just because they are
together. Carly is so brave and succeeds on doing everything she proposes even if is a premiere for her. She takes care of Justin when he was injured even
though she is scared he might die. Their bond is powerful and they find hope
into each other.
Carly’s puppy, Sam is so adorable! The fact that he acted
like a human and understood when Carly was upset and when she was in danger
made me jealous of their friendship. I wish I had such an animal, especially a
wolf. Then she found the horse. God, that was hilarious! I was thinking of
Noah’s ark as being Carly’s way to start over. When
she got pregnant was so emotional. I was really happy and I hoped they would
keep the baby. And just like that everything changed.
Every step they took was so calculated and natural, like I was
in the story with them and gave them encouraging words every time they were in
need. Like they could hear me. "The End of All Things" offers you love, joy and lessons that can make you a better person. I can't wait for the next part, but until then it's your turn to give it a try.
Descrierea în română o găsiți AICI.
Atenție! Conține spoilere!
Carly Daniels este ultima supraviețuitoare sănătoasă din orașul său Juneau, în timp ce ceilalalți sunt infectați cu un virus epidemic care i-a omorât părinții în urmă cu câteva zile. Abia reușește să supraviețuiască, dar după ce îl găsește pe Sam, un pui de lup ce rătăcea de unul singur, ea decide să se străduiască mai mult. Apoi îl întâlnește pe Justin și la început este extrem de speriată de el, dar după aceea înțelege că poate scopul lui nu este s-o omoare, ci s-o ajute. El o convinge să își părăsească locuința pentru că acolo nu va reuși să treacă cu bine peste iarnă.
Cei doi se pornesc într-o călătorie periculoasă și multe obstacole le apar în cale, dar ei voi deveni din ce în ce mai apropiați și nici oamenii răi, nici natura îndărătnică nu îi poate despărți. Vor reuși însă?
Aceasta este primul meu roman despre sfârșitul omenirii și a lumii, dar mi s-a părut grozavă. Nu mi-a venit să cred cum oamenii s-au transformat în bestii peste noapte, cum au putut fi atât de cruzi și răi. Dar mi-a plăcut enorm de Justin pentru că este atât de protector și grijuliu chiar și în acele vremuri grele. El a respectat-o pe Carly de la început și chiar și mai mult după ce a aflat că tatăl lui a fost soldat în Forțele Speciale ca și el.
Justin a putut vedea în interiorul ei și a reușit să o convingă să îl urmeze, chiar dacă împreună ei există o șansă să nu ajungă, deoarece Carly nu este familiarizată cu tehnicile de supraviețuire. Relația lor începe ușor pentru că amândoi au o părere negativă despre ei și consideră că nu sunt demni de iubire, dar se completează unul pe altul atât de bine și vor supraviețui tocmai pentru că sunt împreună. Carly este foarte curajoasă și va împlini tot ceea ce își propune chiar dacă este prima dată când face acel lucru. Ea are grijă de Justin când este rănit chiar dacă el ar putea muri. Legătura dintre ei este puternică și găsesc speranță unul în altul.
Puiul lui Carly, Sam, este atât de adorabil! Pentru faptul că se comportă ca un om și înțelege când Carly este supărată sau când este în pericol mă face geloasă pe "prietenia" lor. Îmi doresc să am și eu un asemenea animal, mai ales un lup. Apoi a găsit calul, pe Shadowfax. Dumnezeule, asta a fost amuzant! M-am gândit la arca lui Noe ca fiind metoda lui Carly de a o lua de la capăt. Când a rămas însărcinată a fost atât de emoționant. Am fost foarte fericită și speram că păstreze copilul. Și dintr-o dată totul s-a schimbat.
Fiecare pas pe care l-au făcut a fost calculat și natural, încât mi s-a părut că eram înăuntrul poveștii alături de ei și îi încurajam de fiecare dată când aveau nevoie. Ca și cum ar fi putut să mă audă. "The End of All Things" îți oferă dragoste, veselie și lecții care te pot face un om mai bun. Abia aștept continuarea, dar până atunci este rândul vostru să dați o șansă acestei cărți.
About the author:
Lissa Bryan is an astronaut, renowned Kabuki actress, Olympic pole vault
gold medalist, Iron Chef champion, and scientist who recently
discovered the cure for athlete's foot.... though only in her head. Real
life isn't so interesting, which is why she spends most of her time
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